Friday, November 13, 2015

Sonda not Saída!

Learning a language is not without its hiccups. Yesterday I wanted to go to a supermarket that I had been to with a friend a month or so ago. My first mistake was that I couldn't remember the name of the store and I confused the name of the store SONDA with the word for exit SAIDA, while looking for parking in the parking garage. I drove all the way up the 6th level of the parking garage looking out for the store and then proceeded to get out of my car and asked a local, "Saida?" "Saida?" This of course means, "Exit?" "Exit?" so it would definitely explain the super confused look on his face. Finally, I figured out my mistake and drove back down to what I thought was the correct parking garage. I walked into the entrance from the garage, shopping cart in hand, and quickly learned I was right smack in the middle of the grocery store in sight. This time I asked someone where SONDA was and they told me it was another level down and in the back of the mall. I was embarrassed to be pushing a shopping cart through the mall, so I ditched the cart and made the trek to the correct part of the mall. I made it to the store and after I finished, I remembered that I needed to validate my parking card. I dutifully handed the card to the girl at the kiosk who does the validating and she started speaking to me in Portuguese. She held up a yellow piece of paper and I explained I don't speak Portuguese. Finally, after getting nowhere with the language barrier, I thought oh well, I have no idea what this girl is saying so hopefully there will be an attendant in the parking garage who will let me through. I made the trek through the mall all the way back to my car, this time with a cart full of groceries, and loaded them all in my car. When I went to go through the gate, the card of course didn't work, and the attendant said I need to pay 4 reais or get my card validated. This is where the frustration sets in. I can't tell him that I tried to validate my card because that would require speaking Portuguese. I just sit there silently in my car, I show him I only have a credit card and no reais and he nods and motions for me to back up my car. There are other cars trying to get out, so we all have to back our cars into reverse and maneuver through the dimly lit and tightly packed garage while I find  a space and park. The attendant then tells me, " Se Valedados!" He wants me to trek back through the mall and figure out how to validate my ticket. Doesn't he understand what he is asking? My kids are going to be home in 30 minutes, I have groceries loaded that need to be in the freezer, I need to start making dinner for a sick friend, the grocery store is clear at the other end of the mall and down a level, and above all I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SPEAK PORTUGUESE! I begrudgingly go back down to the store and basically say to one of the cashiers in Portuguese, "Yellow Paper?" "Yellow Paper?" Luckily she knows what I am talking about and gives the  me the yellow golden ticket so I can validate my parking card and race home to my kiddos.

There were some frustrated tears on the way home. Maybe a little bit of feeling sorry for myself...

But then I walk in my door and my empregada is on the kitchen floor holding Eli in her arms and the two of them are happily singing in Portuguese together. She has a look of pure joy on her face and Eli is smiling with delight ( his one little dimple is there). A little guilt sets in. My empregada lives in a favela next to drug dealers. Her life is HARD. I would feel so ashamed explaining to her that I was crying because I couldn't validate my ticket at the mall. I am struck with the realization of how lucky I am. This is our dream. To live and love this country and to speak Portuguese! We want this so much  for our children and I need to set the example. My enthusiasm needs to be infectious or this won't happen.

 I am grateful for a new perspective. I am stretching myself in ways I couldn't imagine. I am observing life through a new lens and that is always a good thing :)


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