Friday, November 6, 2015

São Paulo: The City That Is Making Me Stronger!

My friend invited me to do a class at her gym on Wednesday morning. It was just the medicine I needed to refocus and sweat off my negativity. Exercise is like gold right now. I have always known this about myself, so it is a wonder I ever stop, but working out sort of stabilizes my emotions and energy in a way that nothing else can. The act of willing myself to push past pain and fatigue in a difficult work out somehow translates to a stronger will to do hard things in all areas of my life. At one point after getting through a training circuit, I walked over to the big open window and thought about this new view before me. This view is fresh and exciting. It's not perfect, in fact it's a little rough around the edges but there is a lot of beauty in it. For one, I get to be whoever I want to be here... I just have to own it. I get a new focus and I am working on myself in ways that I haven't in a long, long time. My little change in thinking might be why I decided to face a HUGE fear I have here in Brazil...

That fear would be driving! The kids go to a school about 30/45 minutes away and I have been terrified to make the drive. My goal was to attempt driving to the school within 6 months of living here. However, on Thursday morning I sent my kiddos off to school and realized that Thais forgot a paper and I forgot to send Skyler to school in Pajamas and with his favorite toys for a celebration they were having in class. My mom guilt  couldn't stand having him show up as the only kid  without the toys and pajamas, and I knew I had to go. I didn't want to bother with a taxi, and I knew I had to get this over at some point so I grabbed the goods and my amigo, Eli and off we went.  

It took me an hour. I probably took the off beaten path a few times but the point is we made it! I love the look on Eli's face because it's like he saying, Wow mom, You're scaring me! This poor little guy is going to be subjected to many of my driving escapades but I sure love having a buddy doing this all with me. Don't worry Eli, soon your Momma is going to drive like a Paulista!

As a way of repenting for my negative attitude, here are the things I  am loving right now. This is our basketball/soccer court in our complex.  The coach comes to our complex every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon to teach the kids. I love that. I don't have to drive around town dropping them at different activities, it is here and it has been fun. I want my kiddos to pick up this sport that is beloved by the entire world except America ;) Thais especially has loved playing and I love watching her!

The school my kids go to is a huge blessing. It is pretty darn wonderful and they are thriving. Today we had parent teacher conferences and Skyler taught Jordan and me about the magnet experiment they have been working on :)

Of course one of my gratitude items has to be about food! I stinkin' love the Orange Juice here! Every place I go it is fresh squeezed and muito muito delicioso! I had some at lunch yesterday after my long drive to the school it was a glass of orange happiness! Way to have amazing OJ, Brazil!
Tchau -Tchau!
Image result for orange juicer pressing in brazil


  1. Congratulations on driving! I'm loving these updates. I think it's normal to have negative things and positive things. What a drastic change in your way of life. And it's helping me a lot to see both worlds! You are awesome! You've probably already said this in other posts... Do you live in expat housing? Is the school your kids go to English speaking or Portuguese or both?

  2. Congratulations on driving! I'm loving these updates. I think it's normal to have negative things and positive things. What a drastic change in your way of life. And it's helping me a lot to see both worlds! You are awesome! You've probably already said this in other posts... Do you live in expat housing? Is the school your kids go to English speaking or Portuguese or both?

    1. Kjersti! How are you? So we live in an AWESOME expat community! I love it! The kiddos go to an American school that is really great as well! We are super lucky!

  3. I 100% echo the sentiment about exercising, it's absolutely critical for my happiness too. Which is annoying because as a mom you go through periods where it is impossible to get your stability (exercise) but when I need a pick me up I can do a little bit of exercise and get myself back on the right track. I love all of these updates from Brazil. You are such a beautiful example of a brave woman doing hard things, I love it. Am a little jealous though I know the pain that comes with growth. :) Keep it up, for all of us! Fun to read about your adventures. It's adorable too how your kids look just like the Jordan that I knew when we were kids, so cute to see the past converge with the present. :)

    1. Tristen! I appreciate your kind words :) My kiddos are just little mini Jordans running around! Your kids are darling as well. Isn't motherhood the most intense and incredible education we will ever get? I often repeat to myself I Can Do Hard Things!!!
