Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Monkeys and Angels

Last Saturday was a fun day filled with monkeys and angels :)  The American Society here in Brazil hosts a Christmas party called The Angel Party; it's for local orphanages in the area and it was a day to be remembered. Also ( much less noteworthy) we saw our first monkeys in the trees by our playground. I was wondering when these little guys would make an appearance and finally they popped out of the trees.

Eli was pretty darn excited to see a Monkey. I love the picture of him pointing out the monkeys to the little girl next to him. Sky loved them too...he and a friend succeeded in feeding the monkeys some berries. It was like having our own little zoo in our backyard. 

The Angels of my day were these little people. It's hard to go and not want to adopt as least a handful of them. I helped serve them lunch and they had smiles from ear to ear. It's quite an event with games, music, delicious food and the magical moment when Santa ( two of them at this event) deliver a bag full of presents to every child there.

Loved this group of boys waiting outside the gym for their turn. Their excitement to meet Santa filled the place with a whole lot of happiness :)

I would love to have the opportunity to get involved in our community here. There are so many ways to do it and I just need to find my thing. I especially want to make Christmas extra meaningful while in Brazil . There is so much need. I love the idea of simplifying our holidays and looking outward.

Tchau Tchau

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