Thursday, September 10, 2015

Letting Go! (picture me singing FROZEN at the top of my lungs)

I think anytime you experience big changes in life there is a process of letting go. Some things are just plain hard to let go of....Others, not so much. For example, here are my babies totally zoned out in front of the television. Normally, I would feel this terrible nagging guilt for being the mom that lets her kids do that sort of thing. In Brazil, however,  I can just let.that.go! You see, even though they are watching American shows like Bubble Gubbies, it is all in Portuguese. Seriously, the guilt just vanishes because it is completely educational and good mothering to have them learn another language. My advice to all mothers is just start changing your television settings to the language you want your kid to learn and then.. Poof! T.V. guilt will be obliterated instantly.

The next pictures show a little bit harder of a let-go. My Gracie-Pie/the Lou-Who/Ray of Sunshine started all day preschool five days a week. It is this super amazing Montessori school and she is in heaven. No doubt I am five times as sad as she is, but I wasn't really planning on her basically starting Kindergarten this year and I will MISS her. She is just so bored during the day and without the right tools to keep her entertained all day, I didn't want the picture above to be how she fills her day. Today I took her into school an hour late because I wanted her with me longer. I scored the stink-eye from her teacher for that. Soooo I guess I just have to let go and let this little girl do her thing. We sure don't keep our babies home for very long! I feel like you blink and they are off :'(


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