Friday, September 11, 2015

Eu não falo português!

I need to learn this language! Before we moved here I had BIG plans to study Portuguese early and that way I would come here prepared and able to make conversation with Brazilians. It serves me right that now, the only phrase I have mastered like a native is Eu não falo português! (I don't speak Portuguese) . Luckily for me, Brazilians love to hear foreigners try and speak their language. They are so warm and encouraging. They don't seem to care that I am completely butchering their words to pieces. I know not all cultures would be so forgiving. I promise to work harder, Brazil!

Our stove was fixed yesterday and to celebrate I thought I would make a popular dish here, Beef Stroganoff. I bought this packet of pre-made sauce and when I went to check-out at the register the girl scrunched her nose and made it clear that what I was buying was well, gross! In broken words I explained that I wanted to make Stroganoff that night. She immediately turned off her register and bade me to follow so we could get the "right" ingredients. Cream de letche, ketchep, mushrooms. beef labeled Stoganoff because it is cut perfectly for the dish. Then you buy noodles or rice to put it on and these shredded chips to put on top. Voila! That's what I got to work with. Never made it before in my life, but this girl did not lead me astray. It was actually quite tasty. I might experiment with it a little bit more. I have since looked up more recipes on-line, but definitely a keeper! I am just grateful for the kindness Americans are shown here( or at least, in my experience so far) Would I turn off my register to show a newcomer around? Kindness rules! 

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